Upon finding out that a soccer flash had made it into the Weekly Top 5, I knew I had to check it out for myself. As a big fan of the beautiful game, and with a severe lack of soccer related flashes on Newgrounds, I had high hopes, and you did not disappoint.
The story started off on the cheesy side, although, I suppose that was partially intended. However, the flash quickly made a 180 from what seemed to be a campy, sci-fi adventure to a dramatic tale of perseverance. You highlighted this theme wonderfully in the scene where he deletes his text message to his trainer, and defiantly chucks his cell phone off the cliff. The soundtrack that you selected also complemented the theme throughout, and functioned to further bolster the main idea of the story. By the end, I felt that small dose of remorse for the protagonist - a concise testament to a well-told story and an equally well-made flash.
As far as improvements are concerned: my only initial gripe was the graphics. I thought they were nothing beyond average at first, but then I began to realize how well you animated them (especially during the actual soccer game) and how consistent your style was. By the end, I was rather fond of the visuals.
Great work!