Animation is great for so many reasons...whether you're looking to reconnect with your past, to express an opinion, dream, or thought, or to just make people laugh :)
- Level:
- 50
- Exp Points:
- 27,322 / 27,750
- Exp Rank:
- Vote Power:
- 9.09 votes
- Rank:
- Lt. General
- Global Rank:
- Blams:
- 8,182
- Saves:
- 14,641
- B/P Bonus:
- 46%
- Trophies:
- 18
- Medals:
- 644
- Supporter:
- 2y
- Gear:
- 7
Movie Trophies
Daily Feature
Weekly 2nd Place
Weekly Users' Choice
Daily Feature
Monthly 3rd Place