Loved the facial expressions and voice acting as usual. I thought you were running on fumes there for awhile, but this one is up to par with your older stuff. Great work!
Loved the facial expressions and voice acting as usual. I thought you were running on fumes there for awhile, but this one is up to par with your older stuff. Great work!
Very Good
The movement of your characters was meticulously animated--between the attention to the middle frames and the multi-colored shading, the animation was easy on the eyes. Beyond that, it was a touching piece no doubt. Well-worth the frontpage plug, and a good bit of variety from the usual blood n' sex we get around here. Nicely done, Jake.
"How can you pee if your hand is always up like that?!"
Now, excuse me while I swallow my dinner for a second time....
Couldn't be funnier. The whole thing was hilarious, especially that dumpy pimple of a kid. 5/5
Old School
Simple. Classy. Clean. Funny.
An air of professionalism about it. Great work!
Very Good!
Nice little frame-by-frame experiment. This type of flashwork is a great springboard to bigger and better projects, but like sprite work and stick flicks, commitment to the "lesser" forms of flash can sometimes lead to excellency in its own right. That being said, there were some innovative bits here, as well as some decent special fx work; definitely a pleasure to watch.
The Daily 4th was well-earned. Keep at it!
thanks! ya i hope this will grow and get better!
A flash with simple animation can oftentimes be dismissed as shoddy workmanship. But, in this particular example, I believe that the sketched style of the drawings benefitted the movie; we have here a premise based on a generalized life--a message that seems to convey a sense of simplicity, love, introspection, and familial unity--so if the characters were drawn with a finer pen, given names, or expressed themselves in dialogue, the message would lose some of its universality.
This was a great piece. One of the most unique that I have seen in quite some time; the Daily 3rd was well-earned.
Any flash that has Lucifer pull a chaingun out of his ass and shoot it with his mouth deserves a 5 in my book.
Animation is great for so many reasons...whether you're looking to reconnect with your past, to express an opinion, dream, or thought, or to just make people laugh :)
Joined on 8/18/04