Animation is great for so many reasons...whether you're looking to reconnect with your past, to express an opinion, dream, or thought, or to just make people laugh :)


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Hey! It's been a while.

Posted by Bigfoot3290 - November 4th, 2007

Well, my comp has been busted for a good month now and I haven't even been spared a whiff of Flash in that time. It should be fixed relatively soon, and I'm eager to ignore my math homework on account of spending precious time animating. It's my favorite pastime afterall [ignoring my math homework that is].

Senior Year is pretty cool, but it's not all it's hyped up to be. Perhaps this is because it's still the first semester, but man, it's definitely no whale hunting escapade. I'm hauling ass around that school threatening teachers for recommendations, I took the SAT again yesterday, and I'm nearly having an aneurysm over this AP Bio lab. I mean, what the shit is "Dichlorphenolindophenol"? I check out this kinda poop on the internet, but the definitions are filled with equally bemusing words. It's like a vicious nerd cycle who's sole purpose is to inflict cardiac arrest on all the cool cats of the world. How awful!

Oh here's a perk: As a senior, you can use "Leet" in daily conversation, and all the freshman will think it's the hottest cup of joe to ever slide across the table.

Speaking of Flash and stuff, I was recently voted "most artistic" for superlatives at my school. I thought that was pretty rad, considering I've never taken an art class in highschool. I mean, a considerable amount of the dudes and chicks at my school know about my silly Mario flicks, but I doubt that's why I won. I speculate that my victory ensued because of the countless doodles I've drawn over the years. I mean, there's one of my Bio teacher on the lab I'm doing right now. He's all psycho-lookin', with eyebrows of steel, screaming, "GO TO HELL, KIDS!" Everyone seems to get a kick outta them, and I'm glad all of that slackin' off was good for something.

In college, I plan on venturing into the creative writing field. I've won a couple essay contests in my day, and I'm beginning to appreciate the art form more as I grow older. In fact, anything that takes a bit of creativity is appealing to me. Sitting down with a blank sheet of paper with only my mind to guide me is an intruiging sensation that I cannot completely describe. If a matter pops up that is a particular burden on your mind, you should take the time to write down your thoughts, as it may be the most effective remedy. It doesn't have to be an epic novel or a gothic poem filled with cynical undertones. Hell, it doesn't even need to follow a format. Writing can be fun when you don't have to compare three summer reading books through a critical lens.

I'm taking this film class that encompasses all of the major directors (and their works) of America, and some European directors as well. It's teaching me a lot about cinematography and the other advantages that film has over other types of art (most of which are applicable to Flash movies). The class has really gotten my gears goin', and I've been spending a decent amount of time contemplating my next flash movie. There are some projects that I've promised to (and will) finish, such as "Kirby's Dreamland II" and the "Classic Doom Collab." At the same time however, I sense that I may run off on a tangent and create a horror/macabre piece on the side (again, inspired by that film class ... Hitchcock comes to mind).

Alright guys. That's about all the jazz for now. Just proving that I haven't been eviscerated by a band of hip hop ninjas just yet.

- Jeremy aka "Bigfoot"


You should do homework.

Learnding iz fuun :D

Can't wait! Dang, I should get to work...

you look older than 17 :|

lol i'd say good to hear from u again just make sure u do your homework ;P

hi bigfoot
I'm a good fan of yours............
thats all I have to say lol

Its mind-blowing to think that someone with so much talent is just about the same age as yourself.

Mister bigfoot, how big is your foot?

What the hell IS Dichlorphenolindophenol?

thanks for the warning Bigfoot. I fucking can't wait till senior year!