At last, I will soon have a new flash to release to Newgrounds. I've been at college for the past 16 weeks, and I haven't had a moment to flash in a very long time. I realize every washed up NG animator says this, but I miss the days when I could spend all the time I wanted flashin' away. I miss blowing off my homework to finish Super Mario Land II :( Those were great times, but I know that now is the time to get serious and concentrate on my studies.
Fortunately, I've been doing well in college. It's great there at New Paltz, but I've decided to transfer after the spring semester ends to pursue a degree in Meteorology. It's a rediculous change of paths (I was studying graphic design at Paltz), but I've always been fascinated by tornadoes and shit. I also made the NCAA volleyball team, which will really fire up in the coming weeks. It's only division three, so it's not like I'll be on ESPN like those division one football players, but I'll have a great time nonetheless.
As far as the new flash goes, it's basically a parody of those cutscenes in Super Mario World, where Mario dynamites the castle. The flash itself is a hyper blooper reel - something that I've incorporated into many of my flashes (especially the SML series), but have yet to publish singularly. This means that there's minimal build-up; just skit after skit of Mario Bros. antics. Currently, I have 17 skits completely with a runtime of about 75 seconds. I'm aiming for around 25 skits total, so this baby's almost done. Expect to see "Mario's Castle Calamity" in the portal within the first week of the new year.
- Jeremy AKA "Bigfoot"
Until then, here's a screenie:
It's been quite awhile Bigfoot.
Yeah it's been too long.