Animation is great for so many reasons...whether you're looking to reconnect with your past, to express an opinion, dream, or thought, or to just make people laugh :)


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At the finish line

Posted by Bigfoot3290 - April 27th, 2008

Just thought I'd post a little update.

Lately, I've been drawing and thinking a lot. Unfortunately, I haven't made much progress in doing so, and by that I mean, I haven't been completing my sketches or thoughts. I'm not going crazy or anything, I suppose I just lack inspiration at the moment.

For the past couple months, I've been trying to break into Flash again. I began with "Mario Destroys Toad" which I discussed in my last post. Although the animation was coming along quite well, I guess I came to my senses and decided to postpone production. The idea was pretty cheeky to begin with, and the finished product would turn out to be a subpar version of "Power Star."

Right now, I'm just starting a noir/serious short film. I'm reluctant to release too much information in case I decide to dump this project as well.

The volleyball season has been greater than I could have expected so far. Right now, we're 7-0, and it would be perfect to finish off my senior year with a conference or county banner. This is where my focus has been since March, and it has been tough to find time to organize my thoughts for a Flash.

And finally, I've decided that I'm going to college at SUNY New Paltz to study graphic design, with a minor in special fx or possibly photography. The visit was excellent, and the town was beautiful with a laid-back vibe. My kind of place :)


awesome, keep goin dude! :D

Don't worry man. Just take your time and think in something awesome like always!

Yay! I can't wait for a new Bigfoot flash :D

Okay bye

is that you on the picture? youre pretty hot, the first one on ng i must say that can actually compete with me concerning looks

Dude you are one very funny flash person. Id like to see monkeys lose their lake pt.2
and the rick sanddunes (another one)
ive seen everyone of your videos and i laughed, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MAN!! YOUR HILARIOUS!!

You are teh greatest on Newgrounds!

uh, i read your last post about "mario destroys toad" and there already is a vid out called Mario's Rage. its posted on txmafia.com. now, i love your videos and they make me laugh super hard, but i dont really like people taking others ideas

I'm also going to college to study movie direction in about a month :] but I really came to tell you I hope you make more Mario parodies, cause noone does them like you do them, man.


Good luck buddy :)

So, you dumped Mario Destroys Toad? Ah well, can't rush an Artist. I see you're picky with what you finish and release, lol, but I'm fine with that. Your flashes are amazing, you practically own the Mario Collection aside from Super Mario Bros. Z having a handle on it, and you've got yourself a nifty fanbase, and by nifty, I mean holyshithuge. We all just want you to keep what you're doing on NG, making hilarious videos.

I will root for you all the way follow your dream thats what i always say.

i remember the kirby's dreamland, u shud make a new 1 of that! funny as like!

Your Dumbass Series is hillarious.

Bigfoot is back!!!

i hope everything goes well at suny new paltz champion!

I know a couple of friends going to New Paltz. I'll tell them to keep an eye out for you!

Glad to hear from you. I haven't seen much from you until Luigi in 60 Seconds. Yeah, college kept me busy after the Poke'mon flash. Now that I'm back to it, I got to get a job so I can re-host my site.

Pardon me for digressing, I kind of have the same major in college. Well, good luck on your project, and you're future. :)

Hey dude my sister just graduated from New Paltz lol she graduated in Psychology. Good Luck in college I expect ur next flash to be hilarious.

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