Animation is great for so many reasons...whether you're looking to reconnect with your past, to express an opinion, dream, or thought, or to just make people laugh :)


Joined on 8/18/04

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Yeah, I could understand that. I was so focused on other stuff at one time (this is when I was in 5th grade) that I got a D in science. I'm not exactly a flash artist, but ever since I joined ngs, I seem to be a little less focused on schoolwork.

I am glad you managed to make just about all the skits about Mario being in a Hammer Bros. suit this time around instead of throwing in completely random things that have no relevance to the main idea like last time!

I've had Flash writer's block before. Still do. It's a terrible feeling. :(

you rock dude do not feel down on yourself for if you ask me you did it perfect!

You rocks!
The new flash is very good!

Writers Block... that sucks. Don't worry though, I still thought that your movie was pretty funny, just don't quit sprites all together. The world is running low on decent sprite animators.

Addiction to doing well in school? Welcome to teh club.

Your spriting skills still leave me in astonishment as I remember all the great animations you have created. Your an inspiration to many here at Newgrounds, and that includes me! Hope your next LOZ flash will be as great as the many other things your have projected on Newgrounds!

An old fan,

Hey man,

Been a fan of yours since the beginning. I'm glad to see you doing well in school - all that motivation is a good thing.

Writer's block happens a lot of times, especially something you've been doing for a long time. You hit a glass ceiling, because everything you thought was awesome had already been used.

At this point, I suggest you put the flash down for a while and rest, pick up some other project, and like you suggested, the LOZ flash. However, that does not mean I want you to give up Mario. I enjoy your Mario flashes way too much to ask you to put it down. Yet, I suppose I can survive a few months without Mario smashing a hammer into someone's face. Take this time to work on other projects, and most of all, get yourself involved in other people's flashes, projects, and creative work. Read, study, and learn. Gather more resources and get innovative. Then suddenly, something will hit you and you'll be like... "OH WOW, I'VE SO GOT TO USE THIS IDEA."

And then you'll be back. Trust me, it's happened to me before. I know what it's like.

But don't worry, the flash was hilarious.

Hope you do well in school. I'll be looking out for your future projects.

Your friend and fan,

I hear you man.

I've been in this situation in the past and it's a very strange thing. You're sitting there one day void of inspiration, and then, all of a sudden, you think of five skits within an hour. It's a bit of a paradox, wherein writing is such a cerebral entity, yet oftentimes, the writer must trust his impulse. I respect your suggestions - many of which I already follow down to a creed. I take breaks frequently if I become frustrated; I'll play sports, a video game, or maybe I'll just take a shower or walk. Sometimes after I unwind, I'll think up twenty ideas. Other times, I'll draw another blank. But certainly, these breaks help me from imploding.

Thanks for the kind words and concern, Nick. It means a lot!

You my friend are a genious.

You really hate Toad don't you?
(It's alright if you do, I hate him aswell)

Honestly, I can feel ya. As a writer myself, it's been hard to make things original and it's easier to look at places such as NG and get lost in other people's work. Bear in mind, I haven't yet decided to write on NG but it's seems to be a good place as any to start for whatever reason. But after seeing some of your work, I can honestly say it's some of the best on the site.

Good luck in whatever decision you make. And keep going!

can u do a scar face mario line plzz