Animation is great for so many reasons...whether you're looking to reconnect with your past, to express an opinion, dream, or thought, or to just make people laugh :)


Joined on 8/18/04

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Keep up the Great work man. I know the feeling, college is a few days away also for me.

Will do. Thanks man and by the way, great job on "Better Off Dreaming." Good luck with your next!

if it were a tragedy you'd have to make the entire thing serious. one humorous thing and it won't feel like a tragedy.

plus newgrounds loves humor more so whatever makes you sleep at night...

HOORAY! good for you dude, better drawer than me, plus, loved the blooper scene on castle calamity.

How about you go for straight up comedy, that is what has gotten you pretty far with your Mario spoofs, they're FUCKING FUNNY AS HELL! I love ALL OF THEM! I can't pick JUST one favorite, it's MUCH TOO DIFFICULT.

As for the office guy flash, the dude goes insane right? So, he's a paranoid schizophrenic lunatic that goes on an office rampage until he gets his supplies back and then he goes back to normal as IF NOTHING EVER HAPPENED AT ALL! That would be the best thing to do, at least I think it would be.


Good work you have been doing. Are you thinking of doing anymore Kirby Flashes?

looking forward to the next flash, hope college is goin well your flash skills should definitely help not to mention your creativity within them :). Keep up the good work.

Hmmm... how about making it creepy up until the end, at which point something totally random happens?

Make it whatever you think has better potential; Whichever you think you have better material for. Make the ending a twist, and have it be the opposite of the theme (ex: Take the tradgedy route, then have a comedic twist at the end or vice versa). Or don't, but either way I'm sure you'll make this a solid animation.

BTW, I got some Tostitos, but they're missing something...know where I can get summa Toad's Salsa?

Glad to see you're diversificating! (and I'm even happier to see you're making another sprite movie, they're the best :3 )

Anyway, good luck with college

A bit of both would probably be best, maybe leaning more towards tragedy with tidbits of minor comedy so that it doesn't seem overly serious but also doesn't totally lose the tragic nature of the flash.

On a separate note: You've -got- to be one of the best sprite spoofers I've ever seen, to the point that almost anything coming from you (sprite or otherwise) is bound to be amazing.

So whatever path you choose, I look forward to it! Good luck!

men you are incredible on this flash movies

Can't wait, all of your mario flash's were just brilliant.

Hey, its awesome that your back and all but what about the other flashes u were goinng to do, like for example, that doom flash?

Comedy 4 tha Win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dude you should totally make a my newgrounds flash, i bet it would be tight!

What does this mean for Kirby's Dreamland II?
I understand the freedom an artist needs, and myself, I have made a flash series in which to give myself this freedom accordingly.
Thus, I bear no grudges on your choice of project, but will you promise us to at least re-continue work on Kirby's Dreamland II before this year is up? =)

Looking forward to both KDII and Beretta! =D
May the Flash be with you.

I feel it should be a comedy, you know some jokes and comedy hurting people stuff, and a creepyness film all in one.

Hell your the animater, draw, do , and other good stuff just make it good. Just dont, just dont, do bad stuff....... ok?

well i agree with some of the other people..STRAIGHT UP COMEDY! itll be epic just like all ur other flashes and i think itd be funny if he asked the "hostages" this:"WHERE IS THE STAPLER!?!? WHERE IS THE F***ING STALPLER?!!? GRRRRRRRR!!!!!"
yeah...u dont gotta use that but you know its a start =D

P.S.ive always kept track of you ever since youre "ITS FREAKING MARIO!" flash XD
keep up the good work

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